In the News


UW-Madison study finds wolves can bring benefits to ecosystem, but are not a ‘cure all’– Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Study tracks how wolf reintroduction at Isle Royale affected foxes, martens – Wisconsin Public Radio

Wolves Reintroduced to Isle Royale Temporarily affect Other Carnivores, Humans have Influence as Well – UW-Madison News

Martens have been spotted on Lake Superior’s Madeline Island – Wisconsin Public Radio

A marten on a Madeline Island – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Snowshoe Hares at Isle Royale – National Park Foundation

Lake Superior Podcast – NPLSF

Beneath the snow, a fascinating endangered ecosystem– Reporterre

Scientists study crowdsourced trail camera photos of Wisconsin wildlife – Wisconsin Public Radio

Subnivium: The secret ecosystem hidden beneath the snow – New Scientist

How itchy vicuñas remade a vast wilderness – Nature

Making the Nature Scene: Warmer, wetter Wisconsin – Tone Madison

The snow season is shortening in Wisconsin, forcing the snowshoe hare north in search of a landscape to blend into – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Lake Superior’s Apostle Islands shelters a declining species – Great Lakes Echo

IsoBank – Stable Isotope Research + Open Data – EveryONE

A Moveable Feast for Predators – Grow magazine

SlothBot: Engaging the Public with Robot Ecology – BioScience Talks

Carnivores living near people feast on human food, threatening ecosystems – University of Wisconsin Madison News

Snow is the only thing keeping some plants and animals freezing to death – Popular Science

Banking on a New Community Isotope Database – Texas Advanced Computing Center

Primary marten prey declining in Wisconsin – The Wildlife Society

Jonathan Pauli wins 2019 CALS Pound Research Award – eCALS

Slothbot Takes a Leisurely Approach to Environmental Monitoring – Research Horizons

Natural Connections: Very cold, small mammals – Superior Telegram

Black bears wasting their lives away in search of human scraps – The Times

Bears that eat “junk food” may hibernate less and age faster – Science News

Human food might be making bears age faster – Discover

How human food is changing wildlife – BBC

Where Sloths Find These Branches, Their Family Trees Expand – The New York Times

Climate Change in Microcosm – Grow Magazine

Turtles With Transmitters Could Be Key To Their Survival – WXPR

Martens recolonized Isle Royale in the ’90’s, showing island’s dynamism – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Snowshoe hares face a new threat: warmer winters – Yale Climate Connections

Scientists seek to solve marten mystery on Apostle Islands – Wisconsin Public Radio

Sloths are mysterious creatures – Australian Academy of Science

Bait makes up much of Wisconsin bears’ diet – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Pourquoi prend-il autant de risques pour déféquer? – S&V Hors Sérle

Wisconsin researchers study the world underneath the snow – BTN LiveBIG

Subnivium: The Secret World of Life Beneath the Winter Snows – Science on Tap

Subnivium Interview with Al Ross – Wisconsin Public Radio

Scientists Explore the Mysterious Inner Space of the Subnivium – Great Lakes Echo

Why Sloths Live Life in the Slow Lane – PLOS Ecological Community

Putting the sloth in sloths: Arboreal lifestyle drives slow pace – National Science Foundation

Three-toed sloths have the world’s slowest metabolism – Student Science

Beneath the snowpack lies a secret ecosystem: the subnivium – Aeon magazine

Snowshoe hare habitats shrink as winters grow milder – Wisconsin Public Radio

Prey Species of Andean Condors – Association of Zoos and Aquariums

Climate change now bigger menace than forest loss for snowshoe hares – ScienceNews

There’s a secret world underneath the snow, and it’s in trouble – Smithsonian

Peering into the secret world of life beneath winter snows – National Science Foundation

Sloth project featured in Costa Rica environmental fair [image]

What’s on the marten’s menu – Great Lakes Echo

Sloths, moths, and algae: a surprising partnership – Mongabay

The sloth’s busy inner life – NY Times

Sloths’ dirty bum fur grows nutritious algae – Discovery

Can moths explain why sloths poo on the ground? – National Geographic Phenomena

Sloths risk danger to poop on the forest floor – Live Science

Sloths’ tri-weekly poop trips: mystery solved? – National Geographic News

As snow goes, where go the animals? – The Why Files

Counting Colorado’s bears – Loveland Reporter-Herald

Reduced snow cover threatens species in the subnivium zone – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

96 years old and still slothful as ever – Express

A bad climate for endangered species – The Why Files

Study sheds light upon sloths near shade-grown agriculture – CALS grow magazine

Wisconsin Ecology: New cohort carries on century-old tradition – The Nelson Institute

Uncovering the mating system of two-toed sloths – BBC News

Sloths thrive on cacao farms – UW-Madison News

Sampling Wisconsin’s marten – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Lead on the Loose – The Wildlife Professional

Interview: black-tailed prairie dog research – Wyoming Public Radio

Interview: Sage Grouse leks – Wyoming Public Radio

The Case for Green Bullets – Rocky Mountain News