Publications since 2019 (See Dr. Jonathan Pauli’s CV for a complete list of publications.)
Kuntze, C.C., M.Z. Peery and J.N. Pauli. 2024. Asymmetrical predation intensity produces divergent antipredator behaviors in primary and secondary prey. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Jolly, S.R., J.H. Gilbert, J.E. Woodford, D. Eklund, and J.N. Pauli. 2024. Seasonal dynamics of small mammal populations: resource availability and cold exposure interact to govern abundance. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Smith, M.M. and J.N. Pauli. 2024. Small but connected islands can maintain populations and genetic diversity under climate change. Ecography.
Rando, H., E.P. Alexander, S. Preckler-Quisquater, C.B. Quinn, J.T. Stutchman, J.L. Johnson, E. R. Bastounces, B. Horecka, K.L. Black, M.P. Robson, D.V. Shepeleva, Y.E. Herbeck, A.V. Kharlamova, L.N. Trut, J.N. Pauli, A.V. Kukekova, B.N. Sacks. 2024. Missing History of a Modern Domesticate: Historical Demographics and Genetic Diversity in Farm-bred Red Fox Populations. Journal of Heredity.
Pauli, J.N. and M. Rodriguez Curras. 2024. Strange brew: Genetic and isotopic analyses to identify the provenance for wildlife forensics and food safety. Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments.
Rodriguez Curras, M., M.C. Romanski, J.N. Pauli. 2024. The pulsed effects of reintroducing wolves on the carnivore community of Isle Royale. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Shipley, O.N., A.J. Dabrowski, G.J. Bowen, B. Hayden, J.N. Pauli, C. Jordan, L. Anderson, A. Bailey, C.P. Bataille, C.Cicero, H.G. Close, C. Cook, J.A. Cook, A.R. Desai, J. Evaristo, T.R. Filley, C.A.M. France, S.L. Kim, S. Kopf, J. Loisel, P.J. Manlick, J.M. McFarlin, B.C. McMeans, T.C. O’Connel, B.X. Semmens, C. Stantis, P. Szejner, S.E. Pilaar Birch, A.L. Putman, C.A. Stricker, T.L.E. Trammell, M.D. Uhen, S.Weintraub-Leff, M.J. Wooller, J.W. Williams, C.T. Yarnes, H.B. Vander Zanden, S.D. Newsome. Design, development, and implementation of IsoBank: a centralized repository for isotopic data. in press. PLOS ONE.
Kate A. McGinn, K.A., B. Zuckerberg, J.N. Pauli, C.J. Zulla, W.J. Berigan, Z.A. Wilkinson, J.M. Barry, J.J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M.Z. Peery. 2023. Older forests function as energetic and demographic refugia for a climate sensitive species. Oecologia.
Molina, F.J., J.A. Smith, E. Donadio, A.D. Middleton, J.N. Pauli, and J.R. Goheen. 2023. Food limitation reduces risk avoidance by prey, but does not increase kill rates in a simple predator-prey system. Ecosphere.
Kuntze, C.C., M.Z. Peery, R.E. Green, K.L. Purcell, and J.N. Pauli. 2023. Sex and age mediate the effects of rapid environmental change for a forest carnivore. Journal of Mammalogy.
Padró, J., F.H. Vargas, S. Lambertucci, P. Perrig, J.N. Pauli, A. Ortega, S. Kohn, J. Navarrete, S. Heredia, F. Narváez, D. Andrade, J. Chaves. 2023. Demographic collapse threatens the long-term persistence of Andean condors in the northern Andes. Biological Conservation.
Kuntze, C.C., J.N. Pauli, C.J. Zulla, J.J. Keane, K.N. Roberts, B.P. Dotters, S.C. Sawyer and M.Z. Peery. 2023. Landscape heterogeneity provides co-benefits to predator and prey. Ecological Applications.
Smith, M.M., J.D. Erb, and J.N. Pauli. 2023. Reciprocated competition between two forest carnivores drives dietary specialization. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Smith, M.M., C.G. Knife, D. Eklund, B.Heeringa, J.N. Pauli. 2023. Predicting and prioritizing genetic diversity outcomes of animal translocations. Conservation Science and Practice.
Peltier, T.R., S. Shiratsuru, B. Zuckerberg, M. Romanski, L. Potvin, A. Edwards, J.H. Gilbert, T. Aldred, A. Dassow, J.N. Pauli. 2023. Phenotypic variation in the molt characteristics of a seasonal coat color changing species reveals limited resilience to climate change. Oecologia.
Clare, J.D.J., B. Zuckerberg, N. Liu, J.L. Stenglein, T.R. Van Deelen, J.N. Pauli, and P.A. Townsend. 2023. A phenology of fear: investigating scale and seasonality in predator-prey games between wolves and white-tailed deer. Ecology.
Gilbert, N.A., J.L. Stenglein, J.N. Pauli, and B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Human disturbance compresses the spatiotemporal niche. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2206339119.
Keyser, S.R., D. Fink, D. Gudex-Cross, V.C. Radeloff, J.N. Pauli, and B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Snow cover dynamics: An overlooked yet important feature of winter bird occurrence and abundance across the United States. Ecography 2023: e06378.
Barceló, G., J.N. Pauli, M. Alldredge, and W.H. Karasov. 2022. Assessment of behavioral energetics model on Puma concolor using doubly labeled water. Canadian Journal of Zoology 101: 1-8.
Jolly, S.R., A.M. Scott, T.R. Aldred, J.H. Gilbert, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. A method to sample small mammals in the subnivium. Mammal Research 68: 105-111.
Martin, M.E., M.S. Delheimer, K.M. Moriarty, D.A. Early, K.A. Hamm, J.N. Pauli, T.L. Mcdonald, and P.N. Manley. 2022. Conservation of rare and cryptic species: challenges of uncertainty and opportunities for progress. Conservation Science and Practice 4: e12809.
Perrig, P.L., S.A. Lambertucci, J.A. Smith, A.D. Middleton, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Risk effects cascade up to an obligate scavenger. Ecology e3871.
Thompson, K.L., J.N. Pauli, T. Erker, C.J. Kucharik, J. Schatz, P.A. Townsend, and B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Urban greenspaces promote warmer soil surface temperatures in a snow-covered city. Landscape and Urban Planning 227: 104537.
Candino, M., E. Donadio and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Phenological drivers of ungulate migration in South America: Characterizing the movement and seasonal habitat use of guanacos. Movement Ecology 10: 34.
Scott, A.M., J.H. Gilbert, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Population and community responses of small mammals to single-tree selection harvest in Laurentian hardwood forests. American Midland Naturalist 188: 1-19.
Smith, M.M., J.D. Erb, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Seasonality drives the survival landscape of a recovering forest carnivore in a changing world. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20220833.
Rudolf, M., E.C. Wilson, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Anomalous snow events increase mortality for a winter-adapted species. Canadian Journal of Zoology 100: 574-582.
Bougie, T.A., M.Z. Peery, C.N. Lapin, J.E. Woodford, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Not all management is equal: a comparison of methods to increase wood turtle population viability. Journal of Wildlife Management e22234.
Gudex-Cross, D., L. Zhu, S.R. Keyser, B. Zuckerberg, J.N. Pauli, and V.C. Radeloff. 2022. Winter conditions structure extratropical patterns of species richness of amphibians, birds, and mammals globally. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 1366-1380.
Rodriguez Curras, M., E. Donadio, A.D. Middleton, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Carnivore niche partitioning in a human landscape. The American Naturalist 199: 496-509.
Barceló, G., P.L. Perrig, P Dharampal, E. Donadio, S.A. Steffan, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. More than just meat: Carcass decomposition shapes trophic identities in a terrestrial vertebrate. Functional Ecology 36: 1473-1482.
Scott, A.M., J.H. Gilbert, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Small mammal dynamics in snow-covered forests. Journal of Mammalogy 103: 680-692.
Monk, J.D., J.A. Smith, E. Donadio, P.L. Perrig, R.D. Crego, M. Fileni, O.R. Bidder, S.A. Lambertucci, J.N. Pauli, O.J. Schmitz, and A.D. Middleton. 2022. Cascading effects of a disease outbreak in a remote protected area. Ecology Letters 25: 1152-1163.
Smith, G.B., J.M. Tucker, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Habitat and drought influence the diet of an unexpected mycophagist: fishers in the Sierra Nevada, California. Journal of Mammalogy 103: 328–338.
Wilson, E.C., B. Zuckerberg, M.Z. Peery, and J.N. Pauli. 2022. Experimental repatriation of snowshoe hares along a southern range boundary reveals historical community interactions. Ecological Monographs 92: e1509.
Pauli, J.N., P.J. Manlick, J.M. Tucker, G.B. Smith, P.G. Jensen, and J.T. Fisher. 2022. Competitive overlap between martens Martes americana and Martes caurina and fishers Pekania pennanti: a rangewide perspective and synthesis. Mammal Review 52: 392-409.
Day, C.C., J.H. Gilbert, P.J. Manlick, J.A. Grauer, J.N. Pauli, K.T. Scribner, B.W. Williams, and P.A. Zollner. 2022. Evaluating the legacy of multiple introductions of American martens on spatiotemporal patterns of genetic diversity. Journal of Mammalogy 103: 303-315.
Sultaire, S.M., J.M. Humphreys, B. Zuckerberg, J.N. Pauli, and G.J. Roloff. 2022. Spatial variation in bioclimatic relationships for a snow-adapted species along a discontinuous southern range boundary. Journal of Biogeography 49: 66-78.
Shipley, A.A, M.J. Sheriff, J.N. Pauli, and B. Zuckerberg. 2022. Weather and land cover create a predictable “stress-scape” for a winter-adapted bird. Landscape Ecology 37: 779-793.
Rodriguez Curras, M., E. Donadio, A.D. Middleton, and J.N. Pauli. 2021. Perceived risk structures the space use of competing carnivores. Behavioral Ecology 32: 1380-1390.
Smith, M.M., J.H. Gilbert, E.R. Olson, K.T. Scribner, T.R. Van Deelen, J.F. Van Stappen, B.W. Williams, J.E. Woodford, and J.N. Pauli. 2021. A recovery network leads to the natural recolonization of an archipelago and a potential trailing edge refuge. Ecological Applications 31: e02416.
Gudex-Cross, D., S.R. Keyser, B. Zuckerberg, D. Fink, L. Zhu, J.N. Pauli, and V.C. Radeloff. 2021. Winter Habitat Indices (WHIs) for the contiguous US and their relationship with winter bird diversity. Remote Sensing of Environment 255: 112309.
Perrig, P.L., S.A. Lambertucci, P.A.E. Alarcón, A.D. Middleton, J. Padró, P.I. Plaza, G. Blanco, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata, J.A. Donázar and J.N. Pauli. 2021. Limited sexual segregation in a dimorphic avian scavenger, the Andean condor. Oecologia 196: 77–88.
Pauli, J.N. and M. Egerstedt. 2021. Robot ecology: An inspiration for future ecologists. BioScience 71: 325-326.
Thompson, K.L., B. Zuckerberg, W.P. Porter and J.N. Pauli. 2021. The decline of a hidden and expansive microhabitat: the subnivium. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19: 268–273.
Black, K.L, P.J. Manlick, M.C. Romanski, and J.N. Pauli. 2021. Exploring the origins of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) on Isle Royale. American Midland Naturalist 185: 260–266.
Martin, M.E., K.M. Moriarty, and J.N. Pauli. 2021. Landscape seasonality influences the resource selection of a snow-adapted forest carnivore, the Pacific marten. Landscape Ecology 36: 1055–1069.
Padro, J., P.L. Perrig, S.A. Lambertucci, J.N. Pauli. 2020. Andean and California condors possess dissimilar genetic composition but exhibit similar demographic histories. Ecology and Evolution 10: 13011–13021.
Manlick, P.J. and J.N. Pauli. 2020. Human disturbance increases trophic niche overlap in terrestrial carnivore communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117: 26842-26848.
Bougie T.A., N.W. Byer, C.N. Lapin, M.Z. Peery, J.E. Woodford, J.N. Pauli. 2020. Wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) nest protection reduces depredation and increases success, but annual variation influences its effectiveness. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98: 715-724.
Fitzpatrick, M.J., W.P. Porter, J.N. Pauli, M.R. Kearney, M. Notaro, B. Zuckerberg. 2020. Future winters present a complex energetic landscape of decreased costs and reduced risk for a freeze-tolerant amphibian, the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus). Global Change Biology 26: 6350-6362.
Wilson, E.C., B. Zuckerberg, M.Z. Peery and J.N. Pauli. 2020. The past, present and future impacts of climate and land use change on snowshoe hares along their southern range boundary. Biological Conservation 249: 108731.
Smith, J.A., E. Donadio, O.R. Bidder, J.N. Pauli, M.J. Sheriff, P.L. Perrig, and A.D. Middleton. 2020. Where and when to hunt? Decomposing predation success of an ambush carnivore. Ecology: e03172.
Silverthorne, K.M., P.L. Perrig, S.A. Lambertucci, and J.N. Pauli. 2020. Isotopic niche partitioning in avian scavenger communities of South America. Journal of Raptor Research 54: 440–446.
Manlick, P.J., S.K. Windels, J.E. Woodford, and J.N. Pauli. 2020. Can landscape heterogeneity promote carnivore coexistence in human-dominated landscapes? Landscape Ecology 35: 2013-2027.
Perrig, P.L., S.A. Lambertucci, J. Cruz, P.A.E. Alarcon, PI. Plaza, A.D. Middleton, G. Blanco, J.A. Sanchez-Zapata, J. A. Donazar, J.N. Pauli. 2020. Identifying conservation priority areas for the Andean condor in southern South America. Biological Conservation 243: 108494.
Parsons, M.A., J.C. Lewis, J.N. Pauli, T. Chestnut, J.I. Ransom, D.O. Werntz, and L.R. Prugh. 2020. Prey of reintroduced fishers and their habitat relationships in the Cascades Range, Washington. Forest Ecology and Management 460: 117888.
Martin, M.E., K.M. Moriarty, and J.N. Pauli. 2020. Forest structure and snow depth alter the movement patterns and subsequent expenditures of a forest carnivore, the Pacific marten. Oikos 129: 356-366.
Pauli, J.N., P.J. Manlick, P.S. Dharampal, Y. Takizawa, Y. Chikaraishi, L.J. Niccolai, J.A. Grauer, K.L. Black, M. Garces Restrepo, P.L. Perrig, E.C. Wilson, M.E. Martin, M. Rodriguez Curras, T.A. Bougie, K.L. Thompson, M.M. Smith, and S.A. Steffan. 2019. Quantifying niche partitioning and multichannel feeding among tree squirrels. Food Webs 21: e00124.
Gigliotti, L.C., N.D. Berg, R. Boonstra, S.M. Cleveland, D.R. Diefenbach, E.M. Gese, J.S. Ivan, K. Kielland, C.J. Krebs, A.V. Kumar, L.S. Mills, J.N. Pauli, B. Underwood, E.C. Wilson, and M.J. Sheriff. 2019. Latitudinal variation in snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) body mass: A test of Bergmann’s Rule. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98: 88-95.
Kelt, D.A., E.J. Heske, S.Sommer, Arpat Ozgul, J.L. Orrock, L. Prugh, J.N. Pauli, X. Lambin, M.K. Oli, and R. Sollmann. 2019. Advances in population ecology and species interactions in mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 965-1007.
Perrig, P.L., E.D. Fountain, S.A. Lambertucci, and J.N. Pauli. 2019. Demography of avian scavengers after Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. Scientific Reports 9: 9680.
Padro, J., J.N. Pauli, P.L. Perrig, and S.A. Lambertucci. 2019. Genetic consequences of social dynamics in the Andean condor: the role of sex and age. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 100.
Fitzpatrick, M.J., B. Zuckerberg, J.N. Pauli, M.R. Kearney, K.L. Thompson, L.C. Werner, W.P. Porter. 2019. Modeling the distribution of niche space and risk for a freeze-tolerant ectotherm, Lithobates sylvaticus. Ecosphere 10: e02788.
Demeny, K., M. McLoon, B. Winesett, J. Fastner, E. Hammerer, and J.N. Pauli. 2019. Food subsidies of Raccoons in anthropogenic landscapes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 654-657. **Authors were undergraduates enrolled in Wildlife Capstone (FWE 599)**
Shipley, A.A., M.J. Sheriff, J.N.Pauli, and B. Zuckerberg. 2019. Snow roosting reduces temperature-associated stress in a wintering bird. Oecologia 190: 309–321.
Savage, A.R., P.J. Manlick, M.C. Romanski, and J.N. Pauli. 2019. A reclassification of red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (Rodentia: Sciuridae), on Isle Royale. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 127: 213-223.
Smith, J.A., E. Donadio, J.N. Pauli, M.J. Sheriff, and A.D. Middleton. 2019. Habitat complexity mediates the predator-prey space race. Ecology 100: e02724.
Smith, J.A., E. Donadio, J.N. Pauli, M.J. Sheriff, and A.D. Middleton. 2019. Integreating temporal refugia in landscapes of fear: Prey exploit predator downtimes to forage in risky places. Oecologia 189: 883–890.
Perrig, P.L., S.A. Lambertucci, E. Donadio, J. Padro, and J.N. Pauli. 2019. Monitoring vultures in the 21st century: the need for standardized protocols. Journal of Applied Ecology 4: 796-801.
Kirby, R., H.E. Johnson, M.W. Alldredge, J.N. Pauli. 2019. The cascading effects of human food on hibernation and cellular aging in free-ranging black bears. Scientific Reports 9: 2197.
Grauer, J.A., J.H. Gilbert, J.E. Woodford, D. Eklund, S. Anderson, and J.N. Pauli. 2019. Modest immigration can rescue a reintroduced carnivore population. Journal of Wildlife Management 83: 567-576.