Post-doc Position! Using remote sensing and demographic analyses to conduct a vulnerability assessment of oak wilt and implications for black bears across an island archipelago, UW-Madison, Pauli and SILVIS Labs. For details, please click HERE.
Ph.D Position! We are seeking an outstanding Ph.D. student to lead an exciting experimental assessment on the effects of forest structure and silvicultural treatments on American marten ecology and regional recovery. For details, please click HERE.
Hiring! Lab Manager Position: we are seeking an outstanding applicant with a bachelor’s or master’s degree (or a current student who will graduate in May 2025) in an ecological or natural resource discipline for a full-time position (lab manager) in the Pauli Lab. For details, please click HERE.
Undergraduate opportunities Motivated undergraduate students can gain research experience in the Pauli lab by 1) conducting research for course credit or 2) working as a paid research technician. The availability of these positions is dynamic, and I encourage interested students to inquire about potential opportunities. Before contacting me via email, please visit my research and publications pages to learn more about my background and current projects in the lab. Due to the training involved, we ask that students make a minimum commitment of one year to the laboratory and work at least 8 hours/week.
Jonathan Pauli